Grand Commandery
of Knights Templar
of New Jersey
S.K. Newlin R. Williams
Eminent Grand Commander
Editor Edward Hesley
My Fraters, December is upon us and we should offer up prayers as we enter this Blessed Season: Almighty God give us grace to cast away the works of darkness, and put on the Armor of Light, now in the time of this mortal life. We ask your guidance and blessing as we approach the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. Keep us mindful of all the blessings we have in our lives. Remind us to always act as Christians during this joyous season, to be a little more patient, a little more compassionate and a little more loving to our fellow man. Amen As Christian Knights we should always be aware of our vows of Knighthood. At this time of year, we should all be looking for ways to show the world by our actions, that our oath is more than just words. To let the world see we are more than just a fraternity, we are a part of the community, to show goodwill and brotherly love, as we should as good Christians. To remember that we live in the present, and that is how we should take each and every day, as a gift from God. The gift of time with our families, the opportunity to share the love in our lives with everyone we meet. It takes nothing to smile or offer a kind word, live in this present, be aware of it, share this present
So, my Fraters, have a very Blessed Christmas, hug your children, kiss your loved ones, and may God Bless and keep you, this season and ever more.
Yours in Christ, Newlin
Remember Top 3 meeting 8:30am Dec. 4th Burlington Lodge